Personel i Zarządzanie
About App
Monthly "Personel i Zarządzanie" is a professional magazine published continuously since 1994. It belongs to the most widely read, opinion-forming and valued professional magazines discussing the subject of company management, with particular emphasis on personal matters. The "Staff and Management" application is a regular dose of inspiration for anyone interested in the subject of HRM, recommended especially to dynamic managers.
In "Personnel and Management" issues related to modern methods of employee management, employment, remuneration, assessment, development, dismissal, training, communication in the company are discussed. In addition, the journal publishes interviews with foreign management gurus, and also presents the latest trends related to the area of HRM, including coaching, talent management, CSR, employer branding. The magazine presents good practices and case studies from Polish and foreign companies, inspiring new and effective HRM solutions and creating flexible structures in enterprises and institutions.
In the monthly you can read, among others how:
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