About App
BeLYEnergy智能电池管理系统通过蓝牙与有源均衡器连接,实时监测电池状态,采集、存储和处理电池运行过程中的信息,并与外部单元交换信息,解决主要安全问题;锂电池系统的易用性和使用寿命,延长了电池的使用寿命,提高了分组后电池的稳定性。 以仪表板和数显的形式实时显示电压、电流、功率、内阻等参数值; 显示所有单个电池的实时电压和报警状态。如果报告的参数触发报警值或保护值,则请求报警。 检查蓄电池管理系统。 BMS intelligent battery management system is connected with active equalizer through Bluetooth to monitor the battery status in real time, collect, store and process the information during the operation of the battery, and exchange information with external units to solve the main security pro
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