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고양이 종류





11 MB

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고양이 종류 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
고양이 종류 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
고양이 종류 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
고양이 종류 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot

About App

When you upload a picture of your pet cat, it will find the kind of cat that resembles you the most. The cat types that artificial intelligence analyzes and finds include Laga Muffin, Lagdoll, Russian Blue, Munchkin, Maine Coon, Balinese, Berman, Vermiz, Bombay Cat, British Shorthair, Savannah Cat, Siamese Cat, Scottish Fold, Sphinx, There are Singapura, American Curl, Abyssinian, Karakal, Cornish Rex, Korat, Turkish Half, Turkish Angora, Persian and Himalayan.

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