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Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | App Icon

Calculer - Calculator




Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Calculer - Calculator | Indus Appstore | Screenshot

About App

Calculor - Calculator app is one of the most popular calculation tools today thanks to its simple user interface and powerful features. The free calculator can quickly and accurately calculate from basic calculations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) to advanced calculations (square, cube, square root, square root, logarithm, trigonometric functions, factorial, operations with fractions and mixed numbers, etc.). In addition, the calculator also supports unit converter or currenc

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