2D Speed Formula Car Racing
About App
Do you Love to play Formula car racing games? if yes Then Welcome to the new 2D formula car racing game of 2021. Formula car racing game is a top speed high thrilling 2D car game in which you drive the Formula car and save the car from Traffic coming from the opposite side of the track. While driving the speed of the car increases which creates a more thrilling driving formula car experience. If you have played the car racing game then this game will give you the more thrilling driving experience of car racing game.
Formula car racing game is the new car racing game in which you score by collecting coins places on the track while driving formula car. In The Formula car racing game speed of the car increases by scoring 200 points by collecting coins placed on the track. The level changes in the Formula car racing game after 600 scores. You can also take sharp turns while driving the formula car with speed to save the car from traffic.
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