ইসলামী শরীআতে শাস্তির বিধান বই
About App
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Assalamu Alaikum, dear brothers, sisters and friends. The book "Punishment in Islamic Sharia" is famous as the book written by Abdul Karim Zidane. Most of the enemies of Islam and Muslims slander the punishment of Islamic Sharia. They say it is very strict and does not focus on different environmental conditions and conditions. More miscellaneous lies and bad comments. The author has rightly refuted these doubts in the book in question and has been able to prove that the provision of punishment in the Islamic Shari'ah is applicable and applicable in all ages, at all times and in all places till the Day of Resurrection. All the pages of this book are highlighted in this app. I published the whole book for free for the Muslim brothers who could not afford it.
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