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Manuales APIR 2.0 | Indus Appstore | App Icon

Manuales APIR 2.0





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Manuales APIR 2.0 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Manuales APIR 2.0 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Manuales APIR 2.0 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Manuales APIR 2.0 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Manuales APIR 2.0 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Manuales APIR 2.0 | Indus Appstore | Screenshot

About App

The manuals are the most important material in the daily study of the PIR exam. It is a concise exercise to collect all the Psychology that is asked in the PIR in a very accessible way and to understand in a simple way the most complicated concepts. The APIR manuals contain all the information necessary to answer the vast majority of the PIR exam questions. For this reason, all the themes emphasize the "PIR Approach", a vision of each subject oriented to the PIR exam.

The application of Digital Manuals APIR part of these strengths by adding all the capabilities of a premium digital service, allowing to carry all the necessary content to prepare the PIR "in your pocket". All pages can be viewed in the same way, with the same format and layout, as in the printed book so that the multi-format experience is a continuity for the student and facilitates the memorization of concepts and the transition from one to the other.

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