Sward App
About App
Guide to herbal/grassland ley species, featuring identification keys, a sward monitoring tool and comparison charts for herb, legume/clover and grass traits. Designed to assist beef/sheep/dairy farmers and land managers in the selection and monitoring of multispecies swards. Can be used to monitor Countryside Stewardship legume and herb-rich sward options (GS4). Diverse/species-rich pastures are an important part of sustainable, regenerative and organic agriculture.
The Multispecies Sward App has been created as part of the Toolbox of Multi-species Swards (TOMS) project, which is an information hub on the establishment and management of diverse leys. TOMS is funded through the Agri-tech Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Project and is a partnership between Duchy College Rural Business School and Rothamsted Research North Wyke. The contribution of farmers, collaborating business partners, and other experts is gratefully acknowledged.
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