Fer Izbori
About App
The Center for Monitoring and Research CeMI established the "Fair Elections" service to monitor the irregularities of the electoral process, enabling primarily observers but also citizens and voters to report irregularities and violations of voting rights in real time, directly to CeMI's Legal Team. At the same time, during the election day, through the same services, voters are able to receive free legal assistance, legal advice on whether the voter's rights have been violated in a specific situation and how the voter can protect his rights. Android and IOS applications, a web portal and two open lines for direct communication with the Legal Team of CeMI are available to citizens throughout the election day. Through the "Fer Elections" service, the Legal Team of CeMI receives reports of irregularities and provides citizens with legal advice.
Along with processing the received irregularities, the Real Team of CeMI made the most characteristic irregularities available to the Montenegrin public, through the web portal and the "Fair Elections" application, thereby contributing to the transparency of the electoral process, but also pointing out the most common irregularities and violations of rights, so that citizens would recognize future violations and reported any irregularities.
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