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To calculate the best time for pregnancy, ovulation (ovulation) determining the period is very important. This sexual relationship made in the days close to the date is more likely to achieve pregnancy outcomes. Quantity take place about 14 days before ovulation in women with regular menstrual bleeding, this is the most practical way of determining the day of ovulation. These accounts would be the 14th day of the menstrual period in a woman's menstrual ovulation period of 28 days, counting from the first day of the start of menstruation corresponds to about 14 days. These days, 2-3 days before starting to make a sexual intercourse 2-3 days 1 week in length will increase the chances of becoming pregnant. (That number starting 17-18 days before you need to enter a relationship of 2-3 day for 1 week)
(Note: not recommended for daily intercourse will reduce the sperm count too, so it is recommended that a two-day affair.)
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