About App
Anasalva is an application that aims to provide updated knowledge on medical sciences. Its content is aimed at general practitioners and specialists, residents, health technology graduates, technicians, health care professionals, students, etc. It is also aimed at ordinary people interested in having an interactive tool that allows them to consult medical topics related to diseases, diagnostic tests and treatments, as well as to store and evaluate data on their medical history and those of their family members. It allows them to solve questions and take action with the objective of always maintaining our first purpose, vision and mission, SAVE LIVES!
Anasalva consolidates data and referrals from medical specialties around the world. Given the nature of its function and its portability, with this app you get access 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, improving the quality of service and avoiding medical errors through clinical algorithms, reducing costs, avoiding unnecessary medical consultations and improving access to health services.
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