FODMAP Friendly
About App
The FODMAP Friendly Certification Trademark is a globally registered Certification Trademark for low FODMAP packaged foods. This App aims to help gastrointestinal symptom management associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The FODMAP Friendly logo was designed to enable those with IBS who are following a low FODMAP diet to easily identify and select suitable packaged food products. Along with testing specific products for their FODMAP levels, we have also hundreds of food ingredients, as well. The FODMAP Friendly App displays this information straight from our NATA accredited laboratory in a user-friendly food database.
The App is evidence-based and created by a FODMAP Friendly Accredited Practising Dietitian, including the following:
- Information about FODMAPs, the low FODMAP diet, breath testing and IBS.
Developer info