Speech Jammer Ultimate
About App
Speech jammer Ultimate App inhibits a user from speaking in coherent sentences due to the brain being confused by the slight delay in auditory feedback of the users own voice and by SpeechJammer, you can literally "jam" someone's voice. Through the Delayed Auditory Feedback effect, the speaker will have trouble articulating while speaking, effectively inhibiting his or her speech! What's more, speech jammer master utilizes a feedback loop. You don't just think of a sentence and your mouth automatically says it from vocal memory. Your brain is constantly monitoring the sound of your voice in real time to keep it sounding like you want it to. Sort of like walking across a tightrope. You don't have a memorized sequence of movements needed to cross. Your mind is constantly analyzing your balance and correcting itself. This is why deaf people have difficulty speaking clearly. When you have your voice played back with a delay, your brain confuses what you're actually saying and what is being played back so that it "corrects" itself based off the delayed sound which then causes the strange sounding speech. So it's kind of like if you are walking the tightrope but your sense of balance is one second behind. You're gonna fall off because you need real time feedback. You will see how difficult is to read a book :)
NOTE: Please use headphones and the app only works properly when you use headphones.
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