About App
iCare is a platform which supports childcare educators to stay connected with families on a daily basis. The application is exceedingly user friendly and intuitive to use. It ensures a seamless transfer of information between childcare centres and families. As soon as an event is saved in the child’s log, it is immediately synchronized with each parent and caregiver account. Both efficient and effective, iCare makes the daily routine in the classroom run smoothly. It also ensures privacy and security for all data shared with parents.
The iCare App makes communication with families easy. Educators record all information in children’s logs in real time throughout the day. Families are then able to view the daily report at any time during the day, whenever they would like to check in. This report includes everything from food and sleep logs to daily programming and children’s interests. Families appreciate being able to learn about their child’s day at a glance, giving them peace of mind.
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