Privacy Policy

The Platforms (defined hereinafter) are developed by Indus Appstore Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 2013 with its registered office at Office-2, Floor 4, Wing B, Block A, Salarpuria Softzone Service Road, Green Glen Layout, Bellandur, Bengaluru South Bengaluru Karnataka – 560103 India. This Policy describes how Indus and its Affiliates/Entities/Subsidiaries/Associates (collectively “Indus / “We”/ “Our” / “Us” as the context may require) collect, store, use and otherwise process your Personal Information through, (“Indus Website”), Indus Appstore – Developer Platform (“Developer Platform”), Indus Appstore mobile application and other related services (collectively referred to as “Platforms”). By using the Platforms, visiting the Indus Website, providing your information or availing Our product/services, you expressly agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy (“Policy”) and the applicable service/product terms and conditions. We value the trust you place in Us and respect your privacy, maintaining the highest standards for secure transactions and protection of your personal information. This Privacy Policy is published and shall be construed in accordance with the provisions of the laws of India and regulations including the Information Technology (Reasonable Security Practices and Procedures and Sensitive Personal Data or Information) Rules, 2011 under the Information Technology Act, 2000, that require publishing of the privacy policy for collection, use, storage, transfer, disclosure of Personal Information. Personal Information means and includes all information that can be linked to a specific individual and also includes Sensitive Personal Information (all Personal Information which requires heightened data protection measures due to its sensitive and personal nature), both, hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”, excluding any information that is freely available or accessible in public domain. If you do not agree with this Privacy Policy, please do not use or access Our Platforms.

  1. Information Collection

We may collect your Personal Information when you use Our services or Platforms or otherwise interact with Us during the course of Our relationship. We collect Personal Information which is relevant and absolutely necessary for providing the services requested by you and to continually improve the Platforms. Personal and Sensitive Personal Information collected includes but is not limited to: a. your activity information like your advertising ID, and certain type of information when you access Our Platforms or advertisements and other content served by or on behalf of Indus on other platforms. We receive information about you and your activities from third party partners, such as information from a partner when We jointly offer services. b. your mobile number and device details such as device identifier, device language, device information, internet bandwidth, mobile device model, and time spent, IP address and location, connection information etc.

In case you are a developer We will additionally collect your name, email, complete address, PAN details, voter ID, driver license details for your registration and verification on the Developer Platform. Information may be collected at various stages of your usage of the Platforms such as: a. visiting the Platforms b. registering on the Platforms as an “user” or any other relationship that may be governed by terms and conditions listed on Platforms, verification of account on the Developer Platform c. transacting or attempting to transact on the Platforms d. accessing links, e-mails, chat conversations, feedbacks, notifications sent or owned by the Platforms and if you opt to participate in Our occasional surveys e. otherwise dealing with any of the Indus Affiliates/Entities/Subsidiaries/Associates

  1. Purpose and Use of Information Indus may process your Personal Information for the following purposes: a. creation of your account and verification of your identity and access privileges b. provide you access to the products and services being offered by Us, affiliates, subsidiaries, associates, or business partners c. to communicate with you for your queries, transactions, and/or any other requirement, etc. d. analyze the communication information to solve any issues you might be facing. For example, to check when the last upload/ conversion/ action was made, when Our services was last used by you, and other similar activities. e. enhancing your user experience in various processes/submission of applications/availment of product/service offerings by analysing user behaviour on an aggregated basis f. to provide analytics service and help improve your experience on the Platforms. g. to monitor and review products/services from time to time; customize the services to make your experience safer and easier, and conducting audits h. to allow third parties to contact you for products and services availed/requested by you on Platforms or third-party links i. to detect and protect Us against error, fraud, money laundering and other criminal activity; enforce Our terms and conditions to contact you for market research purposes; inform you about online and offline offers, products, services, and updates; customizing and improving your experience by marketing, presenting advertising, and offering tailored products and offers. j. use information collected from cookies and other technologies, to improve your user experience and the overall quality of Our services k. conduct surveys and research, test features in development, and analyse the information We have to evaluate and improve products and services, develop new products and features, and conduct audit and troubleshooting activities l. to improve Our advertisement and measurement systems so We can show you relevant advertisements and measure effectiveness and reach of ads and services m. to share information like advertisement ID’s to vendors, service providers, and other partners who support Our business for analyzing how Our Services are used, measuring the effectiveness of ads and services, providing customer service etc. n. to resolve disputes; troubleshoot problems; technical support and fixing bugs; help promote a safe service o. to identify security breaches and attacks; verify accounts and activity, and to promote safety and security of Our services, such as by investigating suspicious activity or violation of Our terms or policies, investigating, preventing, and taking action on illegal or suspected fraud or money laundering activities and conducting forensic audits as part of internal or external audit or investigation by Indus or government agencies located within India or outside the Indian jurisdiction p. to meet legal obligations While We may also process your Personal Information for other legitimate business cases, We ensure to take appropriate steps to minimize the processing to the extent possible, making it less intrusive to your privacy.
  2. Cookies or Similar Technologies

We use data collection devices such as “cookies” or similar technologies on certain pages of the Developer Platform to help analyse Our web page flow, measure promotional effectiveness, understand usage of Our Developer Platform and promote trust and safety. “Cookies” are small files placed on your device hard-drive/storage that assist Us in providing Our services. Cookies do not contain any of your Personal Information. We offer certain features that are only available through the use of a “cookie” or similar technologies. We also use cookies to allow you to enter your password less frequently during a session. Cookies or similar technologies can also help Us provide information that is targeted to your interests. Most cookies are “session cookies,” meaning that they are automatically deleted from your device hard-drive/storage at the end of a session. You are always free to decline/delete Our cookies or similar technologies if your browser/device permits, although in that case you may not be able to use certain features on the Platforms and you may be required to re-enter your password more frequently during a session. Additionally, you may encounter “cookies” or other similar technologies on certain pages of the Platforms that are placed by third parties. We do not control the use of cookies by third parties.

  1. Information Sharing and Disclosures

Your Personal Information is shared as allowed under applicable laws, after following due diligence and in line with the purposes set out in this Policy.

We may share your Personal Information in the course of your transaction with different categories of recipients such as business partners, service providers, affiliates, associates, subsidiaries, regulatory bodies, internal teams etc.

Personal Information will be shared, as applicable, on need-to-know basis, for the following purposes: a. for enabling the provision of the apps/services availed by you and facilitating the services between you and the service provider/developer, as requested b. for services related to communication, marketing, data and information storage, transmission, security, analytics, fraud detection, risk assessment and research c. enforce Our Terms or Privacy Policy; respond to claims that an advertisement, posting, or other content violates the rights of a third party; or protect the rights, property or personal safety of Our users or the general public d. if required to do so by law or in good faith We believe that such disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to subpoenas, court orders, or other legal process e. if requested by government authorities for government initiatives and benefits f. for grievance redressal and resolution of disputes g. with the internal investigation department within Indus or agencies appointed by Indus for investigation purposes located within or outside the Indian jurisdiction h. should We (or Our assets) plan to merge with, or be acquired by any business entity, or re-organization, amalgamation, restructuring of Our business then with such other business entity

While the information is shared with third parties as per purposes setout in this Policy, processing of your Personal Information is governed by their policies. Indus ensures stricter or no less stringent privacy protection obligations are cast on these third parties, wherever applicable and to the extent possible. However, Indus may share Personal Information with third parties such as regulatory bodies and governmental authorities as per purposes set out in this Policy or as per applicable laws. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for usage of your Personal Information by these third parties or their policies.

  1. Storage and Retention

To the extent applicable, We store Personal Information within India and retain it in accordance with applicable laws and for a period no longer than it is required for the purpose for which it was collected. However, We may retain Personal Information related to you if We believe it may be necessary to prevent fraud or future abuse or if required by law such as in the event of the pendency of any legal/regulatory proceeding or receipt of any legal and/or regulatory direction to that effect or for other legitimate purposes. Once the Personal Information has reached its retention period, it shall be deleted in compliance with applicable laws.

  1. Reasonable Security Practices

Indus has deployed technical and physical security measures to safeguard user’s Personal Information and Sensitive Personal Information. We understand that as effective as Our security measures are, no security system is impenetrable. Hence, as part of Our reasonable security practices, We undergo strict internal and external reviews to ensure appropriate information security encryption or controls are placed for both data in motion and data at rest within Our network and servers respectively. The database is stored on servers secured behind a firewall; access to the servers is password-protected and is strictly limited. Further, you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your login ID and password. Please do not share your Platforms login, password, and OTP details with anybody. It shall be your responsibility to intimate Us in case of any actual or suspected compromise to your Personal Information.

  1. Third-Party Products, Services, or Websites

When you are availing products and services of service providers on the Platforms, Personal Information may be collected by respective service providers and such Personal Information shall be governed by their privacy policy. You may refer to their privacy policy and terms of service to understand how your Personal Information will be handled by such service providers. Our services may include links to other websites or applications when you visit Our Platforms. Such websites or applications are governed by their respective privacy policies, which are beyond Our control. Once you leave Our servers (you can tell where you are by checking the URL in the location bar on your browser or on the m-site you are redirected to), use of any Personal Information that you provide on these websites or applications is governed by the privacy policy of the operator of the application/website, you are visiting. That policy may differ from ours and you are requested to review those policies or seek access to the policies from the domain owner before proceeding to use those applications or websites. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for usage of your Personal Information by these third parties or their policies. The Platforms may make chat rooms, forums, message boards, feedback forms, web logs / “blogs”, news groups and / or other public messaging forums available to you. Please remember any information disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should refrain from disclosing your personal information.

  1. Your Consent

We process your Personal Information with consent. By using the Platforms or services and/or by providing your Personal Information, you consent to the processing of your Personal Information by Indus in accordance with this Privacy Policy. If you disclose to Us any Personal Information relating to other people, you represent that you have the authority to do so and permit Us to use the information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

  1. Choice/Opt-out

We provide all users with the opportunity to opt-out of receiving any of Our services or non-essential (promotional, marketing-related) communications from Us, after setting up an account. If you want to remove your contact information from all Our lists and newsletters or discontinue any of Our services, please click on the unsubscribe button on the emailers or you may reach out to Us through the ‘Support’ section on the Platforms.

  1. Personal Information Access/Rectification and Consent

You can access and review your Personal Information shared by you by placing a request with Us. To raise any of the above requests, you may write to Us using the contact information provided under the ‘Contact Us’ section of this Policy In case you wish to delete your account or Personal Information, please reach out to Us through the ‘Support’ section on the Platforms. However, retention of your Personal Information will be subject to applicable laws. For the above requests, Indus may need to request specific information from you to confirm your identity and ensure authentication. This is a security measure to ensure that Personal Information is not disclosed to any person who does not have a right to receive it or is not incorrectly modified or deleted. In cases where you need any further information specific to the Platforms that you are availing, We request you to read through the Terms and Conditions which is easily accessible on the Platforms. For seeking any further information on the same, you can reach out to Us through the ‘Support’ section on the Platforms.

  1. Children Information

We do not knowingly solicit or collect Personal Information from children under the age of 18 and use of Our Platforms is available only to persons who can form a legally binding contract under the Indian Contract Act, 1872. If you are under the age of 18 years then you must use the Platforms or services under the supervision of your parent, legal guardian, or any responsible adult.

  1. Changes to Policy

We reserve the right, at Our sole discretion, to change, modify, add, or remove portions of this Privacy Policy at any time without any prior written notice to you. We may, however, reasonably endeavour to notify you of the changes, it is your responsibility to review the Privacy Policy periodically for updates/changes. Your continued use of Our services/Platforms, following the posting of changes will mean that you accept and agree to the revisions. We will never make changes to policies in order to make it less protective of Personal Information already shared by you.

  1. Contact Us

In case you have any questions, concerns, or complaints regarding the processing of your Personal Information or this Privacy Policy you may reach out to Us through the ‘Support’ section on the Platforms. We are committed to answer your questions within the reasonable time limit. Any delay in the resolution time shall be proactively communicated to you.