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Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | App Icon

Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style




Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | Screenshot
Let's Mahjong in 70's HK Style | Indus Appstore | Screenshot

About App

等到頸都長嘅 開枱喇 2.0版本 大更新 !! 新增〔〔連線模式〕〕 - 無論你想搵啲唔知身在何方嘅老友,定係覺得自己無敵又最寂寞,宜家只要上到網,任你玩! 新增〔〔挑戰模式〕〕 - 想有難度咩?獨特遊戲角色+獨特章法+獨特牌形+獨特勝利條件+獨特七十年代背景 獨特到呢... 新增〔〔真人發聲〕〕 - 真人發聲+連線對打+比舊版本節奏更明快 一個字 爽爽爽! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 原汁原味,地道香港牌 以七十年代做作遊戲背景 遊戲角色有成一百個 無論脾氣、性格、彩數,甚至反應、章法、經驗,都各有不同,玩過你就知 排行榜不停更新 邊個係魚腩王,邊個係長勝將軍,唔駛睇幾十年啦,你一眼就知啦 神奇透視鏡、誠實豆沙飽 獨特小道具,助你轉危為機 Let's Mahjong! - Hong Kong 1970's style - Online, Freeplay & Challenge Mode - 100 Characters with different temper - Updated ranking to s

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