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PDF Reader - PDF Viewer App






10.06 MB

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13.47 MB

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10.06 MB

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13.47 MB

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Welcome to PDF Reader, the lightweight yet powerful PDF reader designed to provide a seamless experience for reading documents, research papers, and eBooks on the go. With a compact download size of just 5 MB, Our Reader app comes with several essential features. offers a feature-rich environment for avid readers, researchers, and students alike.

You can view the list of all PDF files on your device in the app and also you can browse the PDF files through the file picker provided inside the app.

💠Key Features of the PDF Reader App💠

📙 All PDF documents in a single place
In the home screen of the app, all PDF files on your device are listed so that you can quickly find and open any document or eBook.

🖵 Full screen mode
The PDF documents or eBooks can be read in full screen mode for best user experience.

🗲 Smooth navigation
You can choose between scrolling horizontally or vertically. And with the scrollbar, you can smoothly navigate between the pages.

⚙️ Sort options
Sorting the files can be base on Name, Date or Size other file.

🔍 Inbuilt search
A simple search option is provided for you to quickly find the file you need.

«Other Features»
◈ Opening password protected PDF files.
◈ Recently view PDFs without wasting time searching for them.
◈ Viewing PDF in landscape mode
◈ Opening files directly from the file storage.
◈ Resuming from where you left off.
◈ No internet is needed.
◈ Share easily all PDF documents.
◈ Delete files and view the details of your PDF files easily.
◈ Options to share, rename and delete a file.
And many more!

🔒 Permissions:
Storage: To view and read PDF files and eBooks and PDF documents

Download the PDF Viewer today and enjoy using the app!

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