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Indus Appstore

An Appstore that's made for you

Trusted by the best

An Appstore that's made for India

You can now search and discover apps in 12 Indian languages

Video-led App Discovery

Explore apps through engaging videos

Made for You

Experience a curated selection of apps and games, personalized just for you

Personalized Image | Indus App Store

Device Storage Management

Effortless device storage management

Indus App Store | Device Storage | Circle
Indus App Store | Device Storage | Mobile

Help & Support

Yes! Indus Appstore is completely safe to download. We are a made in India app from the PhonePe group with over a decade of experience in the app store space.

You can download Indus Appstore from this website (indusappstore.com) by simply clicking on the download button from your mobile browser. An APK file will be downloaded to your mobile device, simply open it and follow the on-screen instructions to install. Alternatively, you can visit the website (indusappstore.com) on your web browser and either scan the QR code or enter your mobile number to get the download link.

Indus Appstore is available to use for all Android devices running Android OS 8 & above.

Once you have installed the Indus Appstore on your mobile, simply login with your mobile number, give the Indus Appstore permission to install apps and you can start browsing and downloading all your favorite apps.

Every single app on the Indus Appstore undergoes a rigorous 7-step security check by our antivirus and cybersecurity experts.

If you're a developer, Please login to your developer portal and tap the chat icon on the bottom left corner of the screen to raise a concern with us. If you're a consumer, Please report your concern to user.support@indusappstore.com.

Indus Appstore

Indus Appstore Private Limited

(Formerly known as ‘OSLabs Technology (India) Private Limited’)
CIN - U74120KA2015PTC174871

Registered Address:

Office-2, Floor 4, Wing B, Block A, Salarpuria Softzone, Bellandur Village, Varthur Hobli, Outer Ring Road, Bangalore South, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, 560103

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