Algo del Evangelio
About App
This application of some of the Gospel intended as a tool to spread simple and accessible all the Word of God that the Church presents us with the gospel each day mode.
In these few years of priesthood I have become convinced by the experience of every day, that the Word of God has a transforming force capable of turning the hearts of those who listen with humility and availability. Only the listener can believe in Jesus and Jesus alone believes in Him listening. So says the same word: "But how to invoke it without believing in it? And how can we believe, without having heard of him? And how hear about him if no one preaches? ? And who shall they preach, if they are not sent. "(Rm 10: 14-15) It is true that" the Word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword: it penetrates to the roots soul and spirit, joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart "(Heb. 4, 12)
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