Amrit Varsha: Pearls of Wisdom
About App
The teachings of sages and mystics over thousands of years are an incomparable treasure of wisdom, for they teach us how to live wisely and joyfully. This ever-fresh legacy applies universally to all those wishing to explore the mysteries of life, birth, mind, consciousness and more. ‘Who am I?’ is a question that has intrigued, baffled, disturbed and provoked millions to seek the truth of their being, the core of their existence, the reason for living.
Amrit Varsha App encapsulates teachings of Anandmurti Gurumaa, a contemporary master based in Rishi Chaitanya Ashram, India, who is guiding millions of people to live a joyous, inspiring life. It is a guide to explore, access and practice ancient teachings and techniques bestowed by the master in a simple, lucid style for the modern-day seeker. These help to silence the chattering mind and turn the outward bound mind inwards, where the real source of peace and bliss resides.
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