Dastaktimes Radio
About App
Despite the rise in social media and the emergence of the digital age, radio still remains one of the most powerful communication tools of the 21st century. It unites India through wonderful interactions as evident in Prime minister Narendra Modi's Man ki baat program broadcasted on radio. Dastak Times is a strong believer of the importance of radio communication means.
Dastaktimes National news group is a trust worthy information and news platform. Through its various forums like dastak Times magazine, dastak digital tv, dastak sahitya sansar, dastak uttrakhand it publishes national, global and State governments news. It analyses the deep impact of the respective current news on our democratic, economic system.
Dastak radio is an initiative to spread information culture in all corners of society so that the audience get a fair chance to form their healthy perception on the governance model of both national government as well as state governments especially uttrakhand. The burning socio , economic, cultural , environmental, political news and issues would be broadcasted on dastak radio forum. This forum will cover the information of every section of uttrakhand activities. It will also cover global issues and India's stand on it. It will spread the policy based literacy to ensure a constructive relationship between civil society and our governments. Dastak radio will promote Indian art and culture and will provide the pan Indian cultural activities on it's forum. One of the major objective of dastak radio is to create awareness about inclusive development, sustainable development, financial inclusion, socio cultural empowerment of vulnerable groups of our society. The goal of a crime free, drugs free and fear free society would be advanced by us through our information culture. We do these things on our various other platforms like dastak Times magazine, dastak sahitya sansar, dastak digital tv platform, dastak youtube channel etc.
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